Feb 10, 2014

Convert Files into any Format with Right Click using Cometdocs for Desktop

There are lots of file formats being used today, and every format has its own advantage. While we use PDF files where we wish to protect the data, we use images to capture some info. So what if you need to convert the same file you are using into some other format, you may go to the free online web services and get them converted or may be download and install a tool just for this purpose.
Meet a new tool called as Cometdocs for Desktop, and what this have in different from others is that it incorporates the converter right into the file context menu. This means, if you come across any file that needs to be converted into some other format, look nowhere, just right click on it and select the output format. The converted file will be presented to you in some time.

Cometdocs is an online file conversion site which has launched this desktop tool for Windows. While uploading large documents to convert them online can slow down your browser (thereby preventing you from working) or converting the document in the system can slow down your machine, this converter works in a different way. It still uses its old way of converting which is to upload the file from the client directly (without you doing it) and then downloading back to the machine and the same folder automatically.

Although this will use your data plan but will save the machine from getting slowed down. To be able to use this tool, you need to login into the cometdocs account which you can register for free anytime (simple email address and password is all it need).

You can convert the file into any format from the list present in the right click context menu and the conversion status can be seen in a separate window. If you think it is a really useful tool, then you can get it for free from the link below.

Scan and Find Lost Hard Disk Space with MeinPlatz

There is a thing with hard disk memory, it is not always sufficient. Whether you buy double the memory of the hard disk, you will eventually use all the memory intentionally or unknowingly. I remember upgrading my hard disk to the double of the present hard disk space but over the time, I had used that too. This is the same issue with everyone, so if you are also wondering where your memory space has gone, then do read the article.

Well most of the times we know what we are saving in our disk, but there are times when we don’t know what is being saved and stored in our disk automatically. Hence we need to continuously scan and monitor the hard disk space but doing this manually is not possible. Thus, here is a tool called as MeinPlatz that does it for you. It scans the entire hard disk for you to find out the space utilization for you and present that in a list in an easy form.

The biggest advantage of using this tool is that it eliminates the need of scanning the disk manually to find out which all files and folders are storing how much data. MeinPlatz which actually means “My Space” scans your hard drive for the memory consumption and presents the data in a tabular form which is very easy to decipher.

Using this tool you can find out right in one screen which file and folder is consuming how much data so that you can take the appropriate action. The tool also has an option of excluding the files and folders which you don’t wish to scan. Moreover MeinPlatz allows you to export your data in other formats like CSV or excel, txt and html.

The tool also lets you zoom the display, for easier viewing using the magnifier option. MeinPlatz is found to work on all versions of Windows and can be downloaded from the link below.

How To Disable a USB Flash Drive (Mass Storage Devices Only)

Whenever you insert a USB flash drive into your computer, the flash drive is detected automatically by Windows and then opened. Here I am go...